5 July 2020

Embedding gender equality training in our capacity building


Embedding gender equality training in our capacity building

We are building a local Practitioner Network in Riau province, Indonesia, as part of a collaborative effort to support sustainable production at scale, involving a coalition of seven global companies in a multi-stakeholder landscapes approach in their palm supply chains. The Village Facilitators Network is the first part of this platform, which will serve to support the exchange of information and capacity building locally and regional. Among the sustainability topics prioritized by the participants are High Conservation Value/High Carbon Stock, gender and Free Prior Informed Consent. 

Responding to the interest of participants, Proforest and Daemeter agreed to make the whole practitioner network programme gender sensitive. They engaged a local organisation with gender equality expertise PPSW ​(Pusat Pengembangan Sumberdaya Wanita), and built the foundations for this with a two-day gender equality training seminar.