5 January 2021
Improving sustainability performance
Proforest Africa has worked with Corrie MacColl Limited (a subsidiary of Halcyon Agri Corporation Limited) to improve the sustainability of its Cameroon plantations acquired in 2016. This strategic partnership which began in 2018 includes technical and field based support to Corrie MacColl’s plantations in Cameroon – Sud Cameroon Hevea S.A. (Sudcam) and Hevea Cameroon S.A. (Hevecam) – in implementing aspects of their Sustainability Policy through compliance assessments, scoping studies and the development of an environmental and social screening checklist for a proposed smallholder programme. The Proforest Africa Regional Director was instrumental in the development of Halcyon’s Sustainability Policy launched in 2018.
Proforest reviewed Sudcam’s ESIA and subsequently developed an ESMP for implementation by the company to address the identified weaknesses and gaps and guide its current operations. Currently, Proforest is providing stepwise support to Hevecam towards FSC certification.