1 November 2020
Responsible rubber production support in Cameroon for SDCC

Proforest is supporting Société de Développement du Caoutchouc Camerounais S.A. (SDCC) to implement responsible environmental and social practices for its plantations, namely Sud Cameroon Hevea S.A. (Sudcam) and Hevea Cameroon S.A. (Hevecam). SDCC’s plantations are owned and managed by Corrie MacColl Limited of the Halcyon Group. This strategic partnership began with Halcyon in 2018 and includes technical and field-based support. Proforest supported the development of Halcyon’s Sustainability Policy as well as supported the implementation of the policy commitments at Sudcam and Hevecam through scoping studies, compliance assessment, provision of practical recommendations to address the gaps and development of an environmental and social screening tool to guide implementation of a smallholder programme. Other support by Proforest include the development of an Environmental and Social Management Plan to guide Sudcam’s operations and provision of technical stepwise support to Hevecam towards FSC certification which is currently ongoing