20 October 2021
The Voluntary Monitoring Protocol for Cattle Suppliers in the Cerrado
Proforest and Brazilian NGO Imaflora have developed a voluntary monitoring protocol for cattle suppliers in the Cerrado biome. The world’s most biodiverse savannah is under increased scrutiny internationally, given the significant expansion of pasture and large-scale agricultural production over native vegetation in recent decades. Despite companies making commitments to conserve the Cerrado, challenges remain when it comes to acting on these commitments in the beef sector.
A preliminary version of the Cerrado Protocol is now available, after a detailed consultation and public discussion to look at potential usage, as well as possible implementation challenges.
The first phase of this initiative has been developed as part of the Good Growth Partnership's “Responsible Demand” project, thanks to funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through WWF/US. In October 2021 a second phase of the protocol started, focusing on piloting the protocol and promoting an outreach strategy with key stakeholders to ensure buy-in.
Read the protocol and find out more about the Cerrado biome at www.cerradoprotocol.net.