2 September 2020
Working with cocoa and chocolate companies through the World Cocoa Foundation

The World Cocoa Foundation (WCF) is a non-profit international membership organisation whose vision is a sustainable and thriving cocoa sector. Under the Healthy Planet Pillar, WCF is leading the Cocoa & Forest Initiative (CFI) which brings together leading cocoa and chocolate companies with the governments of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana on a joint commitment to eliminate deforestation and forest degradation from the cocoa sector. WCF supported companies to develop and publish action plans to meet the commitments of the CFI Joint Frameworks for Action (Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana). Further to the action plan, WCF is working with key partners to provide opportunities for companies to meet their CFI commitments in cocoa production landscapes.
Proforest is working with eight cocoa and chocolate companies through the WCF, to facilitate the development of a landscape governance structure comprising relevant stakeholders, in the Asunafo-Asutifi Hotspot intervention Area (HIA). The landscape governance structure, which is being developed in line with the Ghana Cocoa and Forest REDD+ Programme (GCFRP) framework, will lead to the implementation of deforestation-free climate-resilient cocoa production landscape in the Asunafo-Asutifi Districts of the Ahafo Region of Ghana.
The eight cocoa and chocolate companies supported the baseline socioeconomic and ecological assessment of the Asunafo-Asutifi landscape as well as the development of the management and investment plan for the landscape.