3 May 2017
Launch of updated High Carbon Stock Approach Toolkit
Two years after the release of the original High Carbon Stock (HCS) Approach Toolkit, a revised version has been unveiled today, in Bali, Indonesia, which incorporates new research and results of field trials as well as new topics (such as carbon accounting) and inputs from the working groups of the HCS Approach Steering Group, as well as contributions from Proforest, the HCV (High Conservation Value) Resource Network and many others.
"This... represents an important step forward in implementing companies’ No Deforestation commitments."
David Hoyle
The revised Toolkit represents a breakthrough for companies, communities, institutions, and technical practitioners that have a shared commitment to protecting regenerating and secondary forests that provide essential carbon storage, habitat for biodiversity and livelihoods for local communities.
As a key partner in the HCS process, Proforest has contributed to many chapters of the toolkit. David Hoyle, Proforest’s Director of Conservation and Sustainable Land Use, co-authored two modules:
- Integration of HCV, HCS forest and FPIC (Free, Prior and Informed Consent) (Module 2).
- Protecting HCS forest and HCV Areas (Module 5c).
David said, “Proforest was really pleased to contribute to the revision of the HCSA toolkit. The revised toolkit incorporates the outcomes of the HCSA HCS+ convergence process into a single coherent methodology. This, therefore, represents an important step forward in implementing companies’ No Deforestation commitments.
Grant Rosoman, the Co-Chair of the High Carbon Stock Steering Group said:
“Allowing deforestation for plantations is a thing of the past. Today, we have released an open-sourced toolkit that provides a practical, and scientifically robust technical guide to identify and protect tropical forests.”
“For two years, stakeholders have converged efforts to agree to one global approach for putting ‘No Deforestation’ in practice. The resulting methodology has expanded social requirements, a wider recognition and application of carbon stock data, incorporates new technology including the use of LiDAR, optimises conservation and production outcomes and includes adaptations for smallholders.”
With the completion of the HCS Approach Toolkit Version 2.0, the High Carbon Stock Steering Group will now focus on piloting and trialling its adapted methodology for smallholders and farmers and strengthened social requirements that were developed as part of the HCS convergence process.