Innovating tools & guidance
Our publications, which reflect our thinking and on-the-ground experience, are designed to provide practical guidance and lead industry thinking on how agricultural commodity production delivers positive impacts for people nature and climate.
Our Responsible Sourcing Toolkits provide a practical, accessible resource for companies to use in training, developing strategy, and supporting implementation of commitments.
We often work with existing tools, but where tools don’t exist, we innovate to develop new approaches and methods based on our practical experience and understanding of the knowledge gaps in our sector. For example, we incubated the High Conservation Value Resource Network, created by organisations including WWF, IKEA, Tetra Pak and the World Bank, to provide guidance and quality control on how to protect the most important environmental and social features in a production landscape.
In addition to our own tools, we welcome partnerships, such as with CDP, and sit on the steering committee of The Accountability Framework, which provides consensus-based principles and guidance towards ethical agricultural and forestry supply chains. We also lead the development of the NDPE Implementation Reporting Framework (NDPE IRF); one tool that companies can use to report against the best practices and outcomes specified in the Accountability Framework.