5 November 2020

The No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation (NDPE) Implementation Reporting Framework (IRF)


The No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation (NDPE) Implementation Reporting Framework (IRF)

The NDPE IRF is a stepwise reporting tool which was developed collaboratively with companies across the whole palm oil supply base to facilitate the reporting of NDPE performance on the volume sourced in a systematic and consistent way. Proforest is the technical implementation partner and methodology developer of the NDPE IRF. Strategic decisions on the NDPE IRF development are made within the Active Working Group consisting of approximately 30 companies and 3 practitioners.

The tool is centred around a set of allocation criteria presented in the form of a question, which contributes to the allocation of mills to 5 different categories (Known; Awareness; Commitment and starting actions; Progressing; and Delivering). The NDPE IRF profiles produced by the tool are shared through the supply chain reaching most downstream companies. Currently the fully functional No Deforestation and No Peat IRF template can be downloaded on the NDPE IRF website. The Land Rights IRF template and Labour Rights IRF templates are in pilot phase and will soon be made available on the website upon completion.

The NDPE IRF is developed under the Palm Oil Collaboration Group